- BIDS RENT A CAR (further: Lessor) rents a vehicle quoted on the first page of thid contract, to the Lessee, on tme and by the terms stated in this contract.
- The lessee is obligated, and by his signature acknowledges thefolowing general terms, and, also, undertakes to follow and respect the obligations from this contract:
- He/she must be minimum 23 years old and have a driving experience of 2 years;
- He/she is taking a vehicle that is fully functioning, with the current amount of fuel in the fuel tank and all the necessary papers about the vehicle, as well as equipment accessories.
- He/she must return the rented car by the time stated in the contract, or sooner upon the demand of the lessor.
- If the lessee cann’t return the car on time, and wants to continue the car renting, he/she is obligated to announce it, otherwise, after the time is up, the vehicle will be considered stolen, and the lessor will contact the police.
- The lessee is obligated to take care of the vehicle, and to notify the lessor if any damage is made.
- The lessee is obligated not to use the vehicle under these circumstances:
- under the infuence of alcohol, narcotics or other substance
- for illegal services (felonies, ofense against customs regulations, etc..)
- for the transport of merchandise and passengers
- for the sports competitions
- the lessee is obligated to use the vehicle for his/her needs
- the lessee can give the car only to the person stated in the contract as the second driver
- the rented car mustn't be overloaded with the persons and objects, over the permitted maximum
- the lessee mustn't cros the border of Montenegro without the consent of the lessor
- The price includes the insurance of the third party in the case of accident, full casko insurance, insurance from a possible theft (the stated insurance is not valid on the territtory of Kosovo).
- If because the negligence of the driver tires, wheels and undercarriage of vehicles or vehicle power train ls damaged, and when it has not been a traffic accident, the Lessee is obligated to pay to the lessor the full amount of repair costs of vehicle and the amount lost for daily rental of the vehicle by the current price list for time of repair.
- In case of loss of the document or the keys, the user is obliged to pay a sum of 500 €.
- Disregarding the included insurance, all the expenses will be charged to the lessee, at the market prices, as well as the expenses of BIDS’s rent a car due to:
- the damage made under the infuence of the alcohol or drugs
- the damage caused intentionally or by the negligent driving (while driving out of the main rood, etc..)
- the driver was not in the possession of a valid driving license at the moment of the accident, or he/she had gave the wrong information about hlmself/herself
- the lessee will take the full responsibility ot the damage caused by negligent use of the vehicle, in the case he violates any of the stipulations from this contract, which he/she undertook by sighing of this contract.
- In the case of an accident the lessee is obligated to protect the interests of the lessor and his insurance company by:
- making note of the names and the address of the participants and the witnesses of the accident
- not leaving the damaged vehicle, till the arrival of the police, fill out the official record about the accident, move the vehicle from the accident place and take the security measures
- notifying closest BIDS RENT A CAR ofce center
- If in the case of an accident or damage the lessee should not fullfil all the obligations stated ln the article 7of this contract, he/she will be liable for every possible consequence that could emerge because of it.
- Any alternation of this contract is valid only if approved in writing by both sides.
- The lessee is obligated to pay of the amount to the lessor on time, for:
- the daily renting, according to the price-list,
- the trafc tickets of the lessee while using the vehicle, made by his/her violating trafc regulations,
- the judicatory expenses, due to court settlement
- If the lessee settles rental charges by credit card, he/she authorizes the lessor with his/her signature on the original contract to charge the total rental cost to a particular card issuing organization.
- Any litigation in conjunction with this rental agreement wll be disputed before Court in Podgorica.
- Payment in advance by cash, invoice or credit card
- Deposit by cash, invoice or credit card
- All major credit cards are accepted