Montenegro General information
Montenegro is located between 41º 52´-43º 42´ north latitude and 18º26´- 20 º 22´ east longitudes and belongs to the central Mediterranean that is Southern Europe.
To the north it borders Serbia, to the southeast Kosovo and Albania, to the south it is separated from Italy by the Adriatic Sea and to the west it borders Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Area: 13.812 km²
Population: 620 000
Length of borders: 614 km
Capital: Podgorica (186 000 inhabitants) – administrative and economic centre
Royal capital: Cetinje – historical and cultural centre
Currency: Euro
Length of the sea coast: 293 km
Number of beaches: 117
Length of beaches: 52 km
Longest beach: Velika plaža (Ulcinj) - 13 km
Highest mountain peaks: Maja Rosit (Prokletije) - 2.524 m, Zla Kolata (Prokletije) – 2534m n.v.; Dobra Kolata (Prokletije)- 2528m v.n.; Bobotov Kuk (Durmitor) -2523 m v.n.
Largest lake: Skadar Lake (391 m²)
Deepest canyon: Tara (1.300 m)
National parks: Durmitor, Biogradska gora, Skadarsko jezero, Lovćen, Prokletije
Largest bay: the Bay of Kotor
Climate: Continental-Mediterranean
Average air temperature: 27.4 ºC (summer)
Maximum sea temperature: 27.1 º C
Average number of sunny days during the year: 240
Swimming season: 180 days
Sea: dark blue
Transparency of the sea: 38-56 m
Time zone: GTM +1
Electrical power system: 220V/50Hz
© The official website for Montenegro tourism