River Crnojevića
A small town on the homonymous river is one of the most beautiful towns of Montenegro. Rijeka Crnojevića is easily accessible from the main road Podgorica-Cetinje. The beginning of its story relates to the ruler of Zeta, Ivan Crnojević (1465-1490), who built a fortress and monastery in order to avoid Turkish army whose church is dedicated to Saint Nikola. Here he moved his capital from the fortress Žabljak, and the monastery became the seat of Metropolitanate of Zeta.
The site preserves remains of historic constructions from the time of Ivan Crnojević such as basement of a building demolished long ago which is related to the work of so called Obod print house where the first book written in Cyrillic script was printed: Oktoih, the first voice in 1494. Besides, this is the place of the first pharmacy in Montenegro as well as the first Martial House. At the beginning of the XX century nacre – pearl made of fish bone was produced at the Marica factory.
Rijeka Crnojevića was the largest Montenegrin harbour and leading trade centre during XIX and beginning of XX century. Highly esteemed product of this region was dried ukljeva (fish) owing to its unique and exquisite taste, and it was very popular among Italian people.
At the entrance at the Rijeka Crnojevića is stone Bridge of Danilo. It was built in 1853 by Prince Danilo in honour of his father Stanko Petrović. Alongside the left bank of the river, he built a ground house, preserved to nowadays, referred to as Mostina.
The oldest preserved object at Rijeka Crnojevića is the house of Saint Petar.
Enjoyment in visiting this place is completed by gastronomic offer of authentic specialties, theme walks, kayaking.